Share Your Sparkle Hosted by Darline Berrios, Ed.D.
In Share Your Sparkle, Darline Berrios, Ed.D. explores her path in this world as a gay, Puerto Rican, Doctor of Education. Through reflections, stories, and interviews, she highlights the voices of the unheard. The airwaves will be saturated with discussions about race, education, relationships and spirituality (and just plain fun, joyful banter and laughter). With episodes like, Walk with Me to You are a Prayer, may you feel inspired and empowered to share your sparkle. Share Your Sparkle is available now on Apple Podcast, Spotify and everywhere you listen to your favorite shows. Until then...keep shining! Episodes posted on Tuesdays and Fridays. Thank you for listening!
57 episodes
Season 4: Episode 2 - Emilio The Poet
This interview explores Emilio The Poet, his creative process and spoken word magic! Happy Birthday Emilio!!!
Season 4
Episode 2

Season 4: Episode 1 - The End
Endings can seem so jarring however they are a natural and preserve us. Please tune in!
Season 4
Episode 1

Season 3: Episode 4 - Don't You Feel It?
You must feel your soul speaking to you?!?! It's time to listen.
Season 3
Episode 4

Season 3: Episode 3 - Let God Out
Hi everyone-I just wanted to share some messages today & this is my way of letting God out :)
Season 3
Episode 3

Season 3: Episode 2 - Calibrate
Hi Everyone! It's time to calibrate & listen to your gut (instinct, inner guidance) because you don't want to end up miles from where you truly want to be.
Season 3
Episode 2

Season 2 Finale: Episode 20: Time to Be Grand
Time to be grand & tips on how to make that happen!
Season 2
Episode 20

Season 2: Episode 19 - Gossamer
It just popped into my head, gossamer! Tune in to hear my spiritual connection to the literal meaning :)
Season 2
Episode 19

Season 2: Episode 18 - What's in Your Backpack?
I'm back :) Have you cleaned out your backpack lately? (metaphorically or realistically) What tools do you have? What tools need you need for this journey? Tune in to hear my thoughts.
Season 2
Episode 18

Season 2: Episode 17 - Why weren't we taught this?
Here is a special Sunday episode. I had some thoughts this morning and I wanted to share them with you.
Season 2
Episode 17

Season 2: Episode 16 - Short But Sweet
The title says it all :) Episodes released on Tuesdays or Fridays until keep shining!
Season 2
Episode 16

Season 2: Episode 15 - How did I get here?
After reading Demi Moore's, Inside Out, I felt compelled to do an episode with the same question she starts & ends with..."How did I get here?" Episodes released Tuesdays or Fridays.
Season 2
Episode 15

Season 2: Episode 14 - Processing
There's a lot going on in the world. In this episode I share my thoughts about Disclosure the Netflix documentary, civilians going to space & faith. Thank you for listening. Episodes released on Tuesdays or Fridays.
Season 2
Episode 14

Season 2: Episode 13 - Freedom
Freedom is a big topic but I just share a few thoughts related to the topic. Episodes released Tuesdays or Fridays.
Season 2
Episode 13

Season 2: Episode 12 - Untamed
Please tune in to my thoughts about energy flowing & untaming God or our source. Episodes released Tuesdays or Fridays.
Season 2
Episode 12

Season 2: Episode 11 - Messages
Happy Summer Solstice! I have a few messages for you today :) Episodes released on Tuesdays or Fridays. Be well.
Season 2
Episode 11

Season 2: Episode 10 - Born To Be Alive
Happy birthday Geminis & Happy Pride. You were born to be alive but are you living? Episodes released on Tuesdays or Fridays.
Season 2
Episode 10

Season 2: Episode 9 - A Thousand Words
What do we do with limited time, words, money, etc. Are we thoughtful or desperate in our decision-making? Please tune in to A Thousand Words.
Season 2
Episode 9

Season 2: Episode 8: Creativity
Please tune in as I highlight a new book that I am reading, The Disordered Cosmos by Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Ph.D.
Season 2
Episode 8

Season 2: Episode 7: What Are You Going to Do?
Now that life has changed, what are you going to do?
Season 2
Episode 7

Season 2: Episode 6 - Gloria's Garden
Please to in to hear a warm tribute to my mom on her birthday.
Season 2
Episode 6

Season 2: Episode 5 - May the 4th Be With You
Thank you for tuning in. Today I share a story about being a crazy dog mom, things that happened in history on May 4th and a chapter from Discover the Power Within You by Eric Buttterworth. Episodes typically released on Tuesdays or Friday.
Season 2
Episode 5

Season 2: Episode 4: What's Your Strategy?
What's your strategy for change and is it working? Implementing change can be hard but what's your strategy? Episodes released on Tuesdays or Fridays. Thank you for tuning in.
Season 2
Episode 4