Share Your Sparkle Hosted by Darline Berrios, Ed.D.

Season 2: Episode 12 - Untamed

Darline Berrios, Ed.D. Season 2 Episode 12

Please tune in to my thoughts about energy flowing & untaming God or our source. Episodes released Tuesdays or Fridays.


Hey everyone, welcome to Share Your Sparkle and I'm your host, Dr. Darline Berrios. This is season two, Episode 12 Untamed. Hey people, it's the last week of June. What are you doing for vacation for summer vacations? You need to take a little break. I don't care if it's just like one day, you need a break. But actually, the message I have today has nothing to do with breaks. Oh, many times. Maybe breakthroughs. How about that. But for my French listener, because I have to keep you engaged, right? I just feel like I need to. My sister gave me a puzzle. In cold raining in Paris. It's cute. I think I remember an Eiffel Tower in the background. There's a couple walking on the street and you know, the flower shop and I think like a fruit and vegetable stand. And you if you buy puzzles, you have to buy the buffalo ones because it comes with a poster. So that's what I recommend. Remember, I said it before, but you have to do that. Because I don't know if any other ones come with posters. But anyway, Paris. I think I mentioned this before. But a little funny story about that is the time when I went and there was like we were on a tour bus, like one that takes you around the city. Next time I'll just take the city bus because the city bus is way cheaper. And you see just as many things but it was going through where Moulin Rouge rouge is and the funny thing is they were these nuns standing in front of like this like sex toy shop and it was like the juxtaposition of the nuns in the shop was hilarious. I think I mentioned it before like if I had a camera, or if I was quick enough with my phone to snap a picture. It was just a really funny scene. And I love this the church over there in I can't remember that part of town Mont Mar. I don't know I'm saying it wrong. But anyway, Sacred Heart. When you walk in, and that image of Jesus above is phenomenal. I think if you've never even if you just if you're not religious, you should just go walking in the church for that experience itself. It's a it's a massive painting in the ceiling, with his hands held out wide, right in the front, overseeing the whole Cathedral and it's really beautiful. It's It's really beautiful. So when we travel again, definitely make a stop there. I know. Even if you're not Catholic, I think there are some really beautiful things in religious whether it's a temple, you know, synagogue, there's some really beautiful things to see. And that's my recommendation there. And my funny story about the Moulin Rouge area. What I want to talk about is a thought I had this morning, I think it was this morning. And I think, you know, I've been thinking a lot about flow, you know, the flow of energy, or the flow of water, the flow of our blood, whatever it is, that flows right or moves like a current. And that time where I was on that raft, whitewater rafting, and think that I paid attention to that snippet. For a snippet of time, I paid attention to the people talking at the beginning about what you should do. If your raft capsizes. In na. They said, Don't try to fight the current, you know, like, don't do it. Go let the water take you. Let the current take you. I mean, we all had life jackets on. Let it take you until eventually you get to a raft or to the shoreline, you know, whatever comes first so that you can get to safety. And when our boat capsized. I was like, Oh my god, first of all was underneath, not both the raft I was underneath. The rafts are trying to get out from underneath was one whole different experience. But then coming up, I realized I was like, boom, like, instantly, the thought came, I just need to and they said try to face the direction you're going in here like because if you're backwards, you can't see if you're gonna hit a rock or something like that. So I turned Luckily, it was already facing the direction of the flow of the water. And I just let the water take me and it was like I said the rapids were four out of five, which I guess is pretty intense. And I was thinking about that experience and what if I had tried To fight the flow, how much energy I would have expended? And what progress would I have made? Right? If I had tried to go against those rapids and figure out how to save myself by I don't know, swimming somewhere on my own and not like with the flow of things. I don't know, I honestly don't know what would have happened. Because when I did go with the flow, and finally did reach the raft that we were on the tour guide, like literally threw me back on the raft, grabbed like the, the shoulder part of my life jacket, and just flipped me up on the boat, or the raft. I was so exhausted, I was so exhausted that I couldn't even get up like I tried. In my mind, I was like, I need to stand up because other people are still in the water. And I need to like kind of help at least a point where they are pointing out where they are. And I really like I just, I just couldn't move. He threw me on the raft. And I just stayed down. I couldn't move until I think everybody else was on the raft, and I needed to move, but flow and energy and being tamed, or untamed. And what does that mean? And I thought about how in life, we do that a lot, we block the flow of energy, or we block things, thinking that that's going to keep us safe in in some cases, that is true. But in other cases, it's not, you know, the resistance that you put up, or the wall or the boundaries that you put around things. And I think in the end hurting you instead of helping you. And when we ourselves aren't in flow with or in sync with who we are. That we're really, you know, taming our source or taming God. Think about that for a second, when you are something that you're not, and you can only be who you are, you can't be something that you're not. And I'm not saying like Oh, if, if you're like, I don't know, think of something. If you're a teacher right now, you can't be an astronaut. Maybe you can, you know, like, I truly think that like, I have a growth mindset that if there's something that I want to do, I take the necessary steps to do them. Like right now, I'm not a marathon runner. But if I wanted to, I could train myself to be I could do that. Right? So but I'm talking about like our essence, you know, our essence of who we are. It is who we are. And I think a lot of times we block that we block who we are, maybe because we don't truly know how to be who we are. And we team ourselves and our energy. Maybe it's because that's what we see like in think about society and think about socially significant identities and think about gender like women are supposed to be like this. Men are supposed to be like this. But I think when we do that, we tamed God or if God is a term that doesn't feel right, we tame our source, we tame our essence. And I think it's time to be untamed. I think it's time to let things flow. Be who you are supposed to be in this world, right? Because it is there's that quote, like everybody else is taken, for you to be who you are to be in this world. And for those of you if you go to the beach in the summer, or you have some time. And even if I carve out, or I have historically not so much lately, but at least like 2030 minutes before I go to sleep for reading. That's where I get my reading in. And one of the books I read last summer is called untamed by Glennon Doyle. And I'm just gonna read the book jacket. And I love that it's also a story about not just herself but about love. And she falls in love with a woman. So I love that aspect of it. Ellen, who's a soccer player. So this is what the book jacket says. Where it says this is how you find yourself. There, there is a voice of longing inside each of us. We strive so mightily to be good, good partners, daughters, mothers, employees and friends. We hope all this striving will make us feel alive. instead. It leaves us feeling wary, stuck overwhelmed and underwhelmed. We look at our lives and wonder wasn't an all supposed to be more beautiful than this? We quickly saw silence that question, telling ourselves to be grateful hiding our discontent even from ourselves. For many years Glennon Doyle denied her own discontent than while speaking at a conference. She looked at a woman across the room and fell instantly in love. And this is me talking now like I'm interjecting my own voice. Yes, gay people do fall in love. They have love at first sight too. Okay, going back to the book jacket, three words flooded her mind. There she is. At first blending assume these words came to her from on high, but she soon realized they had come to her from within. This was her own voice, the one she had buried beneath decades of numbing addictions, cultural conditioning, and institution institutional life, allegiances. This was the voice of a girl she had been before the world told her who to be Glenn and decided to quit abandoning abandoning herself and to instead abandon the world's expectations of her. She quit being good, so she could be free. She quit pleasing and started living. soulful in a perverse, forceful and tender, untamed is both an intimate memoir and a galvanizing wake up call. It is the story of how one woman learned that a responsible mother is not one who slowly dies for her children, but one who shows them how to fully live. It is the story of navigating divorce, forming a new blended family and discovering that the brokenness of wholeness of a family depends not on its structure. But on each member's ability to bring her full self to the table. And it is the story of how each of us can begin to trust ourselves enough to set boundaries. make peace with our bodies, honor our anger and heartache and unleash our truest while this instinct so that we become a woman who can finally look at herself and say, there she is. untamed shows us how to be brave as Glennon insists the braver We are the luckier we get. And then about the author here Glennon Doyle is the author of the number one New York Times bestseller love warrior on Oprah's book club selection, as well as the New York Times bestseller carry on warrior and activist speaker and thought leader. She is also the founder and president of together rising, an all woman led nonprofit organization that has revolutionized grassroots philanthropy, raising over 20 million for women, families and children in crisis. With a most frequent donation of just $25 Glennon was named among the Oprah Winfrey Network, super soul, super soul 100 and our girl group, as one of 100 awaken to leaders who are using their voices and talent to elevate humanity. She lives in Florida with her wife and three children. I love that last sentence. Okay. Now, it is interesting. Because I think most of the couples I know, in general, just like even, like through my teaching career, and even outside of it, I don't know. To dads, that's kind of sad. I don't know a family structure that has I know that there are obviously but in I was a part of a two mom one. And I love it. I'm sure like our experience was completely different like to annex women who have a completely different experience from two white women. I mean, besides the fact that love is love, right? As compared to even like to brown males. But the book is really good. I strongly recommend it. And if you have young girls or girls, it's also it's there's a lot in there about gender and expectations. And she was married before. So she talked about, you know, that experience as well. And check it out. It's a good book. I haven't read her other ones. But it made me think of being untamed, and how that relates to our source and who we are. And when we do things that go against who we are what we're supposed to be here, we're really boxing in our source, we're boxing in God, because if we are here, to do something and be a certain way, you're blocking that flow that energy. That is the whole reason of your existence. That is the whole purpose of, of what it is, and why you're here. So it's time to like untain part, it's time to be you. Like the authentic you, not the you that you think you should be, or that your parents think you should be, or that your partner thinks you should be or that your kids think you should be or that your employer thinks you should be. It's time to untamed God I dare you. God is not team. You shouldn't be tamed. And a lot of the readings that I'm coming across talk about even words that we think of, we think of like a divine, the divine source like prayer. Faith in the people that I'm reading, okay, so the stuff that I'm reading like, Reverend Deborah Johnson, I haven't read from her. Lately, I'm giving you all a break. But Carolyn meese a yanmar. You know, those people that have been like listening to lately. Mark, you know, Bateson, draw the circle. Prayer, faith. Those are active words, they're not passive, like they require action. And when you entertain something, there is an act happening. There's a release happening. Prayer, being divine, and faith, all those are active. Not passive, and what action you know, what actions are you doing? To help untain God, or your source? Or if you those words, you don't like? Like try to you know, even release yourself, release yourself from yourself. See how that goes. I'm working on that. I'm working on a good movie too, if you haven't seen it, just because I'm thinking about like, I was looking at a few things this summer. The shack it's about a family who use it loses a young girl. It's really sad to someone like she was murdered like and kidnapped from a camping trip and something happens to the dad where he ends up in a car accident but it goes through this journey of him basically meeting God and in different forms in the house or the cabin in the woods that they go to his beautiful one that I really do. So if you haven't seen that yet, the shack I recommend it and it basically goes through his journey of healing and forgiveness. So check that out if you get a chance. And I think a quote I'm gonna leave you with is because I've been doing like what everybody else has been doing right bingeing on Netflix. I literally for about a year, tried not to but that's something that I've been doing lately. And Lou Luis Miguel, he's a Latin next artist, mostly like ballads, you know, romance songs. And there's a series on his life about his life and I watched season one a few years ago, and I didn't realize Season Two had just come out. So that's actually how I ended up my my nights in p town watching Luis Miguel's series on Netflix and I finished it off season two anyway and his main Manager, his beloved manager, because when he was young, his manager was his dad. And that was a very tense or intense relationship and he was pushed a lot and issues with like his father and then the disappearance of his mother and does she dad or just ran away in this whole drama there but he finally finds a manager that he feels like Louise, Miko feels like it takes care of him. Like as he should have almost like a father figure. Because his father wasn't as you know, he felt like the father cared more about the courier than him as a person and the manager in this season, and one of the lines was he was telling Luis Miguel, he said, it's Spanish and I can't remember how it goes in Spanish. She said, basically, no one ever regretted being brave. No one ever regretted being brave. And I think when we untamed ourselves and we unleash who was supposed to be I mean, I don't know I talk about it as being brave because it's really just our own nature coming out. But I guess, in the world we live in sometimes seen as brave. So no one ever regretted being brave. All right, people, make plans take a little break. Happy, almost end of June. I will see you on either Tuesday or Friday. Be well. Until then, accept your sparkle, surrender to it and allow it to be so keep shining