Share Your Sparkle Hosted by Darline Berrios, Ed.D.

Season 2: Episode 11 - Messages

Darline Berrios, Ed.D. Season 2 Episode 11

Happy Summer Solstice! I have a few messages for you today :) Episodes released on Tuesdays or Fridays. Be well.


Hey, everyone, welcome to Share Your Sparkle. I'm y ur host, Dr. Darline Berrios. T is is season two, Episode 11 m ssages. Hi, everyone. I took l st week off. And I got in t ouble. Even though I'm my own b ss. My brothers said I had to talk to HR. And I said, I am HR maintenance boss, everything he's like no, you're. So apparently I forgot to talk to HR for permission, and I got in trouble. But anyway, I took a couple days. It wasn't the end of the school year for everybody. But for most of those students I was working with, they were wrapping things up. And I figured it was a good time for me to take a mini break as well. From that, and from this, but I'm back. Happy belated Father's Day for those of you who have human babies, animal babies, or care for an individual in any way in a fathering way. And Happy belated summer solstice. So I'm gonna talk about the summer solstice for a little bit, I believe, while I'm recording where I am, it's Sunday, right now, but you're gonna listen to this maybe Tuesday or beyond? June 20. marks at about maybe a little bit after 10 or no close to 11. Sorry. So maybe when I'm done wrapping up, it'll be some resources, but the first day of summer, which might be slightly different than where you are, as far as the summer solstice. Solstice is

June 23 11:

32pm. But depending on where you are, and where the sun is crossing, or it appears to be crossing on the right, because we're the ones that are actually moving. It's happening pretty soon. And it's the point. It was the day part of the day when the sun travels its longest path through the sky and reaches its highest point and for the northern hemisphere that's happening. For the summer, southern hemisphere, the opposite is happening. Right. So the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, happens around December 21 or 22nd as we're experiencing our winter solstice. And that's because you know, we have this 20 half 23 and a half degree axis that are wonderful. Earth spins on. Okay. There are rituals around the world that happen. I didn't realize that for some they were so marked with like fertility in love. I didn't realize that. I don't know why. But the Mayans and Aztecs use the summer and winter solstices as markers to build structures that previously line up with shadows created by the sun. So I'm reading from a little article he knew of USA today and many Native American tribes recognize their summer solstice with a Sundance and history calm notes that the ancient Greeks use the solstice as a one month countdown to the beginning of the Olympic Games. In Sweden, the solstice is called mid summer. So Mar and celebrations Welcome to summer as a season of fertility according to the Swedish Institute. And then we have Stonehenge, right the rock formation in England that perfectly aligns with the sun's movement and both the summer and winter solstice is, although its origins and reasons for its creation are not understood. stonehedge has become one of the most popular places to observe the solstice. So a little bit about that happy summer solstice. I hope everyone has a joyful, fun and great summer. They were talking about how you know, usually the summer temperatures creep up a month after the summer solstice. So like typically July tends to be the warmest month of LEDs, of course you live in Texas, which you're already like, dying in 110 degrees. Well, I would be I think there's some people that actually like it. So that's that. Um, let me just tell you a little bit about what I did last week. I actually went away for a few days, got away from the puppy in the parents and went to the cape p town so if you've never been Provincetown is at the tippity tip, tip tip of the cape and it's very I'm gay, right gay friendly, obviously. I love the flags everywhere. And the The atmosphere is very like joyful and just like you buy the water so you get that ocean air and there's a commercial street in Bradford you know, we just basically cars can go down in, or I think Bradford goes both ways but you're just walking in the street, you know visiting little shops and it has that village II kind of feel I stayed at an Airbnb, Airbnb with a host was super nice. And his friends staying there was great. So I could just put my backpack on and walk what maybe seven minutes and be, you know, in the quote unquote, hustle and bustle of town, and then walk back and be in a quiet neighborhood in here, the tree or the birds, you know, singing away and I was really nice and often the distance you saw the pilgrim monument from his rooftop deck. At night, it was like it was just a beautiful scene, apparently, I guess one movie last year. A couple two women got married on that rooftop deck, and they had the ark. And one and and people were standing in various spots, you know, socially distance. And then often the background was the monument and the friend was telling me how it just looked really beautiful. So I lucked out on a great place. And beautiful weather. When I say beautiful weather I'm talking about like 72 strong sun, but because you're by the water, you get this great breeze. So you're not like dying of heat, where it actually feels really good. And each night, I went to the beach race point, from about 6pm to sundown to a little bit past 830 and saw two beautiful sunsets. I saw some seals, the seals were just bobbing up and down and, and swimming by the coastline. And you know, I wrote in my journal, put my feet in the sand and close my eyes, open my eyes and took in the fresh air and it was the salt air and it was really great. And I also went golfing by myself. I found my brother and I actually were traveling around a little bit before the trip and I found this place in wellfleet. The played nine holes, there was no one there. I mean, want to tell you that. I mean, people were there. But like, the course was empty. So I basically got the practice, and that was good. I hadn't gone golfing by myself. You know, I'm a golfer now. Well, I'm not really a golfer but it's like something to do. And it's actually not that bad. I think I made fun of people who liked golf, I don't think I'd really watch it. But as far as like, being outside and trying something out, like it's definitely something that I will probably continue and took my sister to play golf Friday, which was fun, beautiful weather. Again, I feel like this week has been like, ideal ideal weather like June summer here in New England is really nice. So that's what I was up to, and trying to think, I hope that you take some time to recharge, whether it's now or later because it's it's important, you know, it's something that you need to do, we are not built to go 24 seven, we need to rest and you have to allow yourself and give yourself permission to to breathe and rest. I mean, even if you can't go anywhere, that's the first time I actually I mean, besides that last fall, I went to visit my cousin up in upstate New York, but this is the first time I've gone like a way and allowed myself to kind of be out and about and not so closed in from the world. So it was it was good. It was good. Um so message messages. I feel like I get direct messages all the time. Sometimes they're easier to hear than others. But a funny one that I got recently was when I was in pizza and walking through a parking lot here I am eating my snack because of course if you know me if you don't know me if you're getting to know me I just have snacks all the time so I'm like eating my purple grapes, purple grapes because I like them I don't like the green ones hearing I'm eating my purple grapes and then like I didn't really choke but you know you swallow weird and then like you start coughing and then you can't stop the coughing. Well, that's what happened. So I put my orange backpack down because of course I'm carrying my orange bet pack which has all my other snacks and tons of water and as I like open up my backpack to take my water out because I'm like, I can't stop coughing I look up until you're walking through a parking lot. And the license plate literally said, I save. And then the letter U and I was like, I took a picture of it because it was hilarious. I save you, and things like that just make me smile. I save you, as I'm, like, choking on my grape spit, or whatever. Grape juice. And then some other messages I have to share with you. I was recently you know, in the car, dropping someone off and then turn the radio on. And there was a song I hadn't heard before it came out September 2020. It's called B. All right, I definitely recommend you looking it up. Evan Kraft redeemed me to and Danny Gokey. And while I don't believe that God is a male or even a person, I think you can feel the message behind this is very powerful. And I like how there's a lot annex artists, I looked up ridhima to he has a very interesting story. He's a Dominican, like Christian rapper, basically. And he was talking a little bit about his childhood. And when he was a teenager, and I don't know much about him, but apparently he got into drugs like marijuana, cocaine, he said he worked at a grocery store and would just like, you know, pack bags and get tips and whatever tips he had, he would use to buy stuff or, you know, sell but not like as a drug dealer, but just, you know, participate in that interaction of sorts. And at one point, he had this experience where he was basically I don't know if he was detoxing, or if he had a bad batch of drugs. But he was out flat from about six. He said pm to about 1am. And there were people around him and he heard people around him saying we need to bring him to the hospital, we need to do something. But then nothing happened. And these are his quote, unquote, friends. And while that was happening, there was something else happening inside of him. And he basically said, how there was the spiritual war happening between a wolf and a lion. And the lion came in made the wolf retreat, and every time the wolf tried to come at him, the line became stronger, right and became fierce. And eventually he came out of it. And what came out of it was a sort of almost like a rebirth. That he felt like that was his. Well, you can he said you couldn't see physically with your eyes, this battle, that at that moment, that led me to was born spiritually and physically. And he raps and sings with these two other American artists. It's called B. All right. Listen to it if you get a chance. Like the message. And I just found out about Well, for me, which is new artists, but apparently he's been around for at least seems like maybe like a decade. Really, me too. Sounds like an interesting character and someone to follow, who has a good message for the world. So check it out. That's my message to you. I also came across, you know, I have, I have different things that I pull to read from, I'm not going to read Reverend Deborah L. Johnson today. But I have this thing called Rumi, Oracle, a lot of your child and their cards, but sometimes I just pick a card and read the message. And today, I picked the whirling goddess card, and it has a little 30 at the bottom that I think the images are beautiful. So just even the not sure if they're paintings, but the images or the illustrations are really beautiful for each card. So let me read to you this message that comes from the credit pick today because we're talking about messages. lose your head, not a single thread that has a head can go through the eye of the needle. Rumi come my love Are you dizzy yet? If you can still feel find your feet then that is okay with me. But if you can still find your head then I will take issue. There was a great dance but it cannot be danced with choreograph steps no this great dance demands. response rather than an initiation a reaction rather than a direction. So let us dissemble and lose our heads to the great music, the rhythm held steady in our beating hearts, our feet shall be moving whilst our minds inadequate to the task, take the night off, there is somewhere you are meant to be. It is here. Now, in this moment, there is a gift right under your nose, and fragrant wine in your glass. gleaming red is the most precious rubies to be here. Now, you must pass through the keyhole, but your head will tell you this is not possible unless the door is unlocked. Even though your body is passing through the keyhole of that locked door into the endless world beyond leave your mind to be in its struggles for a moment. Without you laying witness to it, your mind will become like the dog howling first masters return even as he steps out the front door, frustrated temporarily he will chew on some shoes and fall asleep peacefully until his master returns. So leave your mind trusting chewing a little until you are truly through the keyhole. When it can rest. Leave it be instead, Come dance with me. This Oracle brings you a message you're at the point of growth where your mind can hold you back. Rather than urge you forward. Something came to me Sorry, I'm like digressing here. But earlier in the week, I texted my cousins multiple times a day we're a little ridiculous. And siblings and cousins. And I thought they came was sometimes we don't know the reason or there's there's not always a reason. But there's always a purpose. It might seem like that doesn't make sense. Because you're like if there's a purpose, and that's the reason. But reason to me has to do with understanding. And as people like our minds cannot possibly understand everything. We can't we can't we just our minds can't grasp like think about the universe for example, our minds Do you understand the universe, the fact that it's everything, the fact that it's as far as we know, never ending like can you grasp that there are some things that we can't reason but there's a purpose. To sometimes our minds need to rest, like the fact that sometimes our minds, we need to stop trying to reason things. So I'm going to go back to the messages. This Oracle brings your message, you are at the point of growth where your mind can hold you back rather than urge you forward. If you have like so many use your mind to support you to share up your sense of self in the world and to gain a sense of certainty about how the world works, then this is no easy leap. It will seem as though you are being asked to pass through the keyhole. Of course your mind will stop and argue for all the reasons why the door should be open instead of remaining closed, making the tasks seem so much harder, harder than it needs to be. But this is the mind in resistance. Don't place too much stock in the plains that life should be other than it is you are being asked to dance rather than understand totally the thoughts to rest and come alive. It is the bravest most trusting soul that dares put the mind on one side and say tonight we dance, my heart and I in the great rousing music of the beloved's heartbeat or beating heart and I will not miss one step and to awaken the next day and do that all over again. And again. And again. You are ready you see sweet soul dancer you are ready to live beyond what you know. To have it not matter if you don't understand how life can work itself out or how it could be that someone so normal and ordinary as you and I can be so magnificent, wild and divide. The need for answers and plans assurances and explanations is passing out of your world now, you are not to wait for permission for explanation or even for another dance party for I'm already inviting you on to the great dance floor. You want to let go of any stigma around not knowing when someone asks you what you are going to do next or how you are going to manage. You are given this divine mandate with relish reveal in truth I don't know. No nothing in dance sweet so for all will unveil itself to you in perfect harmony and timing. Your heart shall create the steps in response to the music of the spheres happening now. alive in spontaneous and free. This Oracle brings you a special message. If there's an issue, apparently unsolvable or unknowable in your life, now the divine is handling it, the divine is in the middle of it, working through the knot. And unraveling it. Fair enough, do the sacred ritual and give yourself permission to take the right the night off from worry. Repeat this heavenly prescription daily as needed. And then it says this sacred honoring ritual, ritual sorry, say aloud. I give my heart permission to lead the stance. I give my mind some time off. No more worry or doubt planning or resisting. Instead, I surrender. Instead I open instead I allow. I allow I allow and all unfolds with perfection. divine timing, and the miracle of grace. It says with Rumi but I would just there insert whoever you feel your divine is with Jesus with God with goddesses, whatever. As my with your guardian angel as my sole witness. So be it. So that's, those are my messages to you. Happy summer people? Um, let's have a good one. There have been I mean, that's on recently, but just the history of our life, right? We know that people pass away whether they've been close to you or not. And it's strange, sometimes we don't know the first of something or we might and sometimes we don't know the last of something you only might and when I mean like that, like, is this going to be my last blah, blah, blah, you know, like, or my last breath that you don't know. So just enjoy, really shake. Try to shake the worry of whatever's worrying you. That's doesn't mean you stop caring. But you realize what you can control and what you can't control. We can't control everything. You can't actually don't want to think about the universe. Do you want to control the universe? I don't think we don't even understand the universe. So anyway, have a good summer back. I release any Tuesday or Friday and next time I'll ask HR for permission for some time off. And be well until then, except your sparkle, surrender to it and allow it to be so keep shining