Share Your Sparkle Hosted by Darline Berrios, Ed.D.

Season 2: Episode 3: The Best Spaceship - Earth

Darline Berrios, Ed.D. Season 2 Episode 3

As we come upon Earth Day, I share my thoughts on the impact of last year's pause, healing and how we need to stop talking to God. Tune in to hear exactly what I'm talking about. Be well!

Darline Berrios:

Hey everyone, welcome to Share Your Sparkle and I'm your host, Dr. Darline Berrios. This is season two, Episode Three, the best Spaceship Earth. Hi, everyone. Thanks for tuning in, I'm actually going to get started with a poem. And part of this episode is focused on the fact that it's earth day this week. But really, I'm going to spend some time talking about healing. And I think that's the main message for today. But this is a poem that was shared by jacinda Arden, who is the prime minister from New Zealand. And she shared this about a year ago and it's actually by named Dean and Harum I, and I apologize because there are some words in here that I don't know how to pronounce, so I'm just gonna do my best. And this was shared a year ago. About a month into basically like, our global pause, paws are locked down for Papa to Ana Nuki nuku. I'm so sorry if I butchered that. The intent is for me to share these words. And it's Mother Earth. Rest now he Papa to new. Breathe Easy and settle. right here where you are, will not move upon you for a while. will stop will cease, will slow down and stay home, dry to the close and be kind, kinder than we've ever been. I wish we could say we were doing it for you as much as ourselves. But hey, haha. And that means I think like, but whatever it is what it is. We're doing it anyway. It's right. It's time. Time to return. Time to remember time to listen and forgive. Time to withhold judgment. Time to cry. Time to think about others. Remove our shoes, press hands to soil. Sift grains between fingers, gentle palms, time to plant time to wait time to notice to whom we belong. For now it's just you in the wind in the forest, in the oceans in the sky full of rain. Finally, it's training. Calm to Tu Tu, Tu Tu terroir como el Ranga ki runga ei Ko, embrace it. The sacrifice of solitude we have carved out for you. At near Whoa, a small offering. People always say it wasn't possible to ground flights and stay home and stop or habits of consumption. But it was it always was we were just afraid of how much it was going to hurt. And it is hurting. And it will hurt and continue to hurt. But not as much as you have been hurt. So be still now. Wrap your heels around her absence. Wrap your sorry, loosen the concrete belt, cinch tight at your waist. Rest, breathe, recover, heal. One, I just want to shout out to the poet for an amazing way to capture what happened about a year ago to for the leadership for that Prime Minister to share something with the world. That wasn't a statistic or anything like that. And three, the message about us pausing and its impact on Mother Earth. And as we come upon Earth Day and the different activities happening. I have a comment about that, by the way, terms of just taking a day to acknowledge things. But a year ago when we were on pause I was looking through some of the things now obviously the Coronavirus has had major disruptions in people's lives and there have been lives lost because of this. So this is not to downplay the fact that tragic things have come about. What I'm highlighting though, is the pause that we took in the world, and how it impacted Earth. So for example, you can look at pictures before and after, and the pollution in some of the big cities around the world dramatically dropped. Now, that's not to say that there wasn't any. But it literally changed the air that people was were breathing. seismic activity greatly reduced. So the like, think about it, the shaking of the earth, right, that's what size you used some sort of meter to check movement in the earth, and the seismic activity of the Earth was greatly reduced, you had less cars on the road, less people walking about, like in London, a woman had one and less trains, you know, running back and forth. And I mean, literally, it shifted, because we stopped or paused anyway, our movement, the noise in the oceans. Think about all those cruise ships that were, you know, I'm gonna say grounded. But that doesn't make sense. But you know what I'm saying, at Port, it actually in one area, reduced the stress levels of the whales in the ocean, the noise level that was reduced by the less activity that was taking place. Because we couldn't do anything, literally decreased the stress level of some of the whales in that area. So it made me think about just how things over the past I would say about six months or so in general, are ramping up in terms of activity, in terms of states changing, you know, restrictions and about, you know, size or capacity and mask wearing and all that stuff. And basically, it tells me that we don't know how to heal. We don't know how to heal. We don't give things enough time. To really in truly heal. So we paused last year. And now it's hard, right? I mean, healing is hard work. It can be undone say it can be because it was different. And it was new. And it was like oh my god, now I have to deal with myself, I have to deal with whoever I'm in whatever household you're in. And honestly, you know, like, like I said, this is not to downplay some of the serious, serious situations that people are in, especially with domestic violence and everything else, you know, like kids have a nice day at home for school. And just managing a completely different way. But there's that quote, athletic, I don't know where it came from. But, you know, we can't heal in the same situation that put us in whatever pain that we were in, really know how to explain it. I'm paraphrasing. We know and we're kind of going back to that. We're kind of trying to go back to a situation in time that people wasn't for gain. And you're like, Oh, it was working for me. And my life was great. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. The world has a lot of healing to do. People have a lot of healing to do. Whether it has to do with gender, race, ethnicity, all these things. There's a lot of healing that needs to happen. And while it can happen in an instant, I don't know if it was a book I read or an interview that I was listening to but there was a woman working and I believe it was down south and she was African American and white male walked in to the restaurant and I think it was actually his testimonial, the individual home talking about and he had not see symbols on his arms and a tattoos tattooed on him. And he went to order whatever he was ordering. And like once again, I'm paraphrasing but the woman, the African American woman pointed at one of his tattoos and she says Honey, you don't need that anymore. Sorry, there will be tea stored because just from that comment, obviously There was more that came through. And nothing could have happened. But the man spoke about how that instant changed his life. That one sentence from another human being changed his life. So, yes, healing, healing can happen in an instant and transform. In a matter of how long does it take to speak a sentence, right? But unfortunately, right now, we aren't taking the time to heal. And we are jumping back into whatever got us here in the first place. I'm not saying everyone, but it would like literally, it literally needs to take a collective effort. And you're like, well, I don't have any, whatever racial issues. Yeah, you do. You're a human, you are human, you are part of this family. And that's the problem right there. We think we're separate. We think that, that we, because it's not in our life, that it doesn't matter. Or if it impacts our life, then we get pissed about it. No, people listen to me. Everything that happens to someone else happens to you. So even if it's on the most selfish level level, even if it's on that like being like, Oh, I don't want to be hungry, let me make sure I like do something for the food bank. I don't even know what but like, literally what happens to one happens to everyone. That's, I think, I hope people are realizing that. And if you're not, I don't know to say, I feel like that's what the realization is, for me. And I think this is something that I've probably thought about like along for a long time. But it's been more impactful in the past, I would say a year or so. Then what happens to one happens to everyone. But we think we're separate, right? That's, that's my problem. We think we're separate and and we're not taking the time and energy to instead. And this is not napping, all the wonderful things that happen in a day for different causes. We do a day because you know what? We can do a day of something, right? We can spend one day? What if I was like, Oh, I don't know. June 24? Is my lose weight day, every year on June 24. I make really good choices. It's my lose weight day like, I just eat well, I make sure I move. Okay, you tell me what the impact is. for that day for those 24 hours. That's a good start, right? Pretty good. You got up early, you went for a wrong you made sure you had some yogurt with fruit. Oh, it was my lose weight day today. It was wonderful. Okay, do that for the rest of your life. Just do lose weight day, every day until you die. Oh, come on. That's what we're doing with all these different things, whether it's related to celebrating an individual or a cause. We haven't figured out how to live with healing change, we just haven't. I hope. I hope what comes out of this is that we can figure that out. But if we just keep doing what we were doing before, it's not going to happen. It's not like systems need to change. Because if we go back to the old, we're gonna get the same old thing. things that have been happening over and over and over again. And that's stupid. I mean, I don't really know how else to put it. It really is. Right? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Who said that was Einstein? I don't know who it was. But that's what we do. That's what that's what I know. I've been doing that like, I've done that plenty of times. But as humans I think that's what we're doing and we need to make some major shifts if we want some major changes to happen in the world. Because what happens to one happens to everyone. The other thought I had was that I think it's part of healing. This is a message I got yesterday. It's like um, I need to stop talking to God. No, I need to stop talking to God. Like I need to just shut up and listen. And I'm a pretty good like, I don't communicate is not the right word. I think that I'm pretty Good at just kind of trying to tune in, whether it's to myself and or things to kind of like get messages. But I do a lot of blabbing to God, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, like, help me here help me, you know, like, protect my family, bla bla bla bla bla bla, bla, bla, blogging, blogging, blogging so much that it's like black. Right? Shut up. That's the message I got shut up. And listen. Because you've probably been saying the same thing for like your whole life, the same prayer your whole life, shut up and listen. And you might actually have the ability to change what it is that needs to be changed. You just haven't done it. It's not even on God. It's on you. Everything is on us. Honestly, everything is on us. So stop talking to God. Listen, and if this triggers you like, Oh my god, I can't believe she just said that. Then that says something else too. Okay, that's my message for today. We need we don't know how to heal. I wish I had the answer. I'm just trying to notice things and figure out life like everyone else. And I hope this helps somehow. Okay, people, I'm not sure if I'm going to release on Friday, but until then, stay well. Except your sparkle. Surrender to it and allow it to be so keep shining