Share Your Sparkle Hosted by Darline Berrios, Ed.D.

Season 2: Episode 7: What Are You Going to Do?

Darline Berrios, Ed.D. Season 2 Episode 7

Now that life has changed, what are you going to do?

Darline Berrios:

Hey everyone, welcome to Share Your Sparkle and I'm your host, Dr. Darline Berrios. This is season two, Episode Seven. What are you going to do? Happy belated Mother's Day to all of you who identify as mother and who care for either children or animals or other people in your life in a mothering way, whether you've actually birth a child or not. Happy belated Mother's Day. So I'm going to start off with a reading from Carolyn nice. It's two pages, from her book, intimate conversations with the divine prayer, guidance and grace. And I turned to it yesterday, so I thought it would send it your way. It's called pray like you're crazy. And my little brother thinks I'm crazy. And it's he's partly true. He's not the only one. But anyway, pray like you're crazy prayer. Well, now I've done it, Lord, you really need to find someone else for this job. More and more people are asking me how to pray. I tell people to pray like they're crazy. I tell people to talk as if you are listening, which sounds a lot like talking to themselves. I tell them to not think of you as Santa Claus, the great cosmic gift giver. For In truth, you are the great hidden resource. Human beings are just not used to your style, how you maneuver via grace in the background of our lives. I told one person to pray, find me a way out Lord and watch over me. Through the night I could use a peaceful night's sleep. I told him to avoid giving you advice on how to work the problem out to trust you to handle the details. Human beings fear surrendering to you. We can hardly ever say a prayer of surrender. This as I point out is a funny way of proving how much faith we do have. We fear you are hovering somewhere out in the cosmos waiting for us to say the dreaded word surrender, we're worried you will sweep down and take our earthly resources, as if what you will do is reorganize the mayhem and the madness we're already living with, which can seem like adding more mayhem and madness, at least for a while. But inevitably, your way is the way through. I tell people to pray like they are crazy, like they have nothing to lose but their fear. If that's crazy, I'll take it guidance. I'll tell you what's crazy, holding on to pain and trauma that should long ago have been healed or released. Maintaining patterns of stress that can only serve to break down your health, continuing behavioral patterns that are fundamentally destructive. That's crazy. surrounding your property. I mean, surrendering your problems and faith to the divine is not crazy. It's cosmic liberation. So set your soul free, pray like you have nothing to lose except your fear. I have said this to so many people and have watched them recoil in fear at the thought of releasing their fears to you. Why? Because they realize that their fears are anchoring them to the world they know. They can tell that one prayer of surrender has the power to catapult them out of their suffering. yet so many lack the faith to pull that lever. And so they retreat into doubt which it's with its darkness and suffering. They demand proof of what will happen if they surrender to the divine. But faith does not work that way. Faith is the power to walk into the unknown. And let's face it, what isn't the unknown? Do you honestly know what is going to happen to you tomorrow? You think you do but you really don't? You have no idea? None of us does. We can only hope that our world remains familiar to us. The truth is, we live in a continual state of surrender. Only we are not conscious enough to realize it. Grace, Wilde, faith is more than faith. It's faith with abandon bold, outrageous faith. It's faith that says miracles are not just possible they happen all the time. Lord, I need you and I need you now. I need help and I don't care how it comes. Just get it here. I need guidance download something into my soul ASAP. I release everything to you. And I'm listening. intimate conversations with the divine prayer guidance and grace by Carolyn meese. If you haven't already googled her, I recommend looking at some of her videos. She does have a few workshops I believe that might be have a fee to them. That she's done, or collab paraded around with some other people. But she's really interesting. And my only, I guess feedback in terms of like, how she presents things and how it might trigger different things in people is that she refer she's a older white woman. I see older, I don't know, maybe in her 60s. So if you're in your 60s, I apologize. But she refers to God as law. She says God is law. And she says that several times. And I know her intent is to talk about the divine as, let's say, like gravity, like it's a principle or law. But I think, I don't know how much of your audience is brown, or are people who are have a history of abuse from law. But I think, one feedback, one piece of feedback would be that she, I know what she's trying to do. But I think it might turn off some other people, if you refer to the divine as law, because if you're like, Great, that's like a police officer. And you're honestly a black male, that kind of sucks, right? You're like God, that sucks. You suck, right? But if you can get past that, and imagine a different word, maybe principal, maybe God is principal, I don't know if that really makes sense. But her messages, I think, are pretty powerful. So I strongly recommend if you're looking for someone, and you like to that prayer, to either get the book, the whole book is like that, one or two pages of prayer guidance and grace. she identifies as a medical intuitive, which means like in the past, I think she did mostly most of this in the past was read people, quote, unquote, read people and see what illness they were carrying in where. But then later on in her journey, she realized that it all had to do with prayer and healing. So I think that's where she is in her life. Having this background of being a medical intuitive, and now transferring more to almost like, a messenger about how we can take this information about illness, and use prayer and healing to guide us that's, I guess, the best commercial I have for her. Um, so today, what are you going to do? I was thinking about what I've learned over the past year, whether about myself or life, and I'm definitely still learning. But I think the biggest thing that stands out is we are I say we, because we're in this ship together, we're okay with letting people be in pain, or in systems that are completely broken. If you haven't been into like a school that is in a high poverty stricken area. There are kids attending school right now, in some places that probably should be condemned honestly, or that have like, wraps in the cafeteria, or that just have mold in the walls, or that are just completely dark and dirty and dingy. And there are some kids that actually go to school, on 120 acres with maybe some horses and beautiful buildings that are maintained daily. And it's happening right now. I mean, education, I was reading about high school, a high schooler who went to work over the pandemic, I think, 17 or 18 years old, because they had to help their parents provide for the household and they're thinking about not returning to school, or at least not in person. And our systems, I hope, I don't know if people are seeing this, but there's so many systems that are just okay with letting certain people be hurt. I mean, look at the criminal justice system. I mean, look at how we take care of elderly, right, maybe it's not a good idea to have a law A group of elderly people in facility when I mean, let's look at what happened recently, you know, with so many deaths, and let's take health care. Like, why are we paying so much money, so much money and who's benefiting from all the money you're paying? Every year for health care, you could buy a small car every year, I mean, a brand new car, people are paying 15 to $20,000 a year in healthcare, whether it's a business or what you contribute. That's all. That's a lot every year, I've only bought a car once in my life, and I had to pay over time, but like this is happening every year we're contributing, at least, you know, 15 to $20,000. And for some people, it's really beneficial. I mean, like you might be saved, because of the care that was given to you. But for some people, you might just go to the doctors once a year, and there's like 100 $150 that you pay. But you're paying close to like, a brand new car, or good used car every year. College, why does it cost almost$70,000 a year? That's ridiculous. So I'm just what I've learned is that we're okay with having certain people be hurt. And I guess my question is, what are you going to do about it? I think now is the time to think about what are you going to do about it? And as one person, you're like, well, I can't do everything. No, that's not what I'm asking. I'm not asking you to do everything, I'm asking you to either make some changes within yourself to help the world or to make some changes around you to help other people. Whether it's not even people, whether it's like animals or the climate, you know, with with all the environmental issues that were experiences, what are you going to do? You know, where is your energy? Because where you put your energy, that's all you like, think about your time and your energy. That's your power, your time and your energy, that's your power. So where, what are you going to do? And where are you going to put that? Because, honestly, we need to make some changes. And the article that I read about the high school, or they were talking about like reforming High School, it's not just high school that needs to be reformed. It's not nine to 12, it's K through 16, you know, or pre K, two through 16. Education in our country, even just look at the calendar, we're using a system that was from over 100 years ago when like, kids would help in farming with farming, right? So that's, I saw something. I think it might have been a post in LinkedIn, I could be wrong, but it said like one of the most expensive phrases. But this is how we've always done it. Wow. So true. Whether it's in your family, or in your job, or in your community, that phrase, well, this is how it's always done it one, it's lazy. It is that just means I'm not going to spend any time thinking about and being creative about a different way to solve this, too. It's lazy, because it just means I don't really care. And I don't want to spend the time and energy to solve this. In three, maybe you're the one benefiting from Well, it's always been the way we've done this. So then you don't want it to change, because then that means it's going to impact you in a way that you're scared of. So what are you going to do? I when I taught fifth grade and sixth grade would have lessons and teach my kids about what it means to be a bystander to stand and watch an upstander to stand in do. So what are you going to do? Are you going to be an upstander? Are you going to be a bystander? Are you literally going to just stand and watch the world go by and be like I'm good. And there are many people that are willing to do that are afraid to make any change. You know, like Carolyn meese was saying we're afraid we're afraid to Except changes in our lives. That maybe that's exactly what needs to happen. So what I've learned over the past year is that we're okay with people being hurt. And that's really sad. It is really sad. And, and sometimes that's ourselves like, we're okay with ourselves being hurt in a situation. And we stay in things for so long. And it's like, no, like, you know what, like, when are you going to be an upstander. And then maybe some case, either take care of someone else, or take care of yourself, and not necessarily someone else, or like, you know, the environment or an animal things like that. And you don't have to tackle every problem. But it's really important, I think, to ask yourself, what are you going to do? If you haven't already? At think that's a really good question. And it might just be healing your own life. There is so much drama and trauma and family, it's ridiculous every single family give me No, no, you can't tell me there's one family where there's no drama or trauma. Whether it's let's anything, addiction, God, any maybe like some sort of health problems that are just passed on from generation to generation to generation, abuse, whether it's physical or mental or sexual. Whether it's like, God, what else is there? I mean, there's drama and trauma and families that needs to be healed? And what are you going to do? I'm not talking about going and fixing someone else's family, but like, when we have our own lives in this world? Are you going to be an upstander? Or you're going to be a bystander? You know, and you don't have to start a whole organization. To change the world. You might just ask someone how they're doing, you might just show a little bit of kindness, either to yourself or someone, and you never know how that's going to change their life. Honestly, you never know, as a teacher, I never know. Or knew what I said or, and how that impacted a kid, whether it was in a good or bad way. Some, in some cases, I do know, because I have had kids come, or students talk to me. And they remember the conversation that we had, honestly, that I don't even remember. But they said, I felt so much better as myself, or I saw myself as a writer in your class, or when we did this lesson. I remember what you said. And I was like, I have no, unlike you know how many writing lessons I've done over the past 20 years? I don't remember. I don't remember all of them. But so my question to you is, what are you going to do? And I think now's a good time to think about it. And it doesn't have to be, you know, like I said, something as big as starting an enterprise. It could just be like, sitting down and having dinner with your family. It could just be like showing your niece or nephew. Hey, this is a journal write down your feelings. It's going to be a great gift to yourself when you're older. I did that by the way. Well, I didn't sit down with them. But I gave them a journal I think I gave not all of them yet, but most of them I gave them a journal. So what are you going to do? Okay, people, accept your sparkle, surrender to it and allow it to be so until then, keep shining